


Slender olive-brown or olive-grey above with or without irregular darker variegations and usually at least a faint vertabral stripe. White below.


Active both day & night. Known to feed on other frog species. Juveniles are known to migrate in very large numbers across the wetlands in the early wet season.


Forest, Woodland, Stone Country, Savannah woodlands of NT, swamps and lagoons. Always associated with wetlands (black-soil plains) & coastal river systems. During the wet season it may be found in other habitats, including woodland.


Thought to be quite toxic to other forms of wildlife e.g. Barramundi & many species of snakes.


Breeds in the early wet season & perhaps throughout the wet in areas of permanent water (billabongs). The call is made in water, as in other members of the bell frog family, but it is barely audible & therefore rarely heard by observers. It is thought that this call may be transmitted underwater between individuals, as aggregations of calling males are often observed.


Kakadu National Park Djulkbinj National Park Mary River National Park Litchfield National Park Keep River National Park


Common Name: Dahl's Aquatic Frog Scientific Name: Litoria dahlii
Sub Order: Unavailable Order: Anura
Class: Amphibia Category: Native
Status: Least Concern Size: 70mm

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