The EnviroNorth website was developed through the Tropical Savannas Knowledge in Schools project, led by Julie Crough of the Tropical Savannas Management CRC (TS-CRC) and Louise Fogg of the NT Department Education and Training. It is funded by the TS-CRC and redresses the lack of resources and information in schools for learning about, and how to sustain, Australia's tropical savannas.
The Tropical Savannas Knowledge in Schools project provides resources and curriculum support materials for learning about, and how to sustainably manage Australia’s tropical savannas.
The project involves the Tropical Savannas Cooperative Research Centre and partners:
Northern Territory Department of Employment, Education and Training, teachers and schools to develop a comprehensive and interactive website about Tropical Savannas Knowledge that links with the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework, VET modules and Stage 1 and 2 SSABSA courses.
To develop an interactive website that will facilitate and enhance teaching and learning about the sustainability of Tropical Savannas in Australia, in collaboration with TS–CRC partners and the Northern Territory Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET).
To develop links and partnerships with Education Queensland and the Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
To develop other resources (e.g. CD-ROM) that are identified during the project.
To foster and facilitate maximum uptake and use of the website through professional learning for teachers.
Currently, there are no comprehensive Northern Territory Layer 2 curriculum support materials for Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF), Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Vocational Education and Training relating to sustaining the environment of northern Australia.
Tropical Savannas CRC and its 16 partners are recognised as the principle brokers of knowledge relating to the above and related areas. The content of the website was developed in consultation with TS–CRC partners ensuring accuracy and reliability.
This project provides a long-term opportunity to improve capacity for school students and teachers to sustain Australia's tropical savannas. If students and teachers have a more comprehensive understanding of the environment in which they live, how it functions as well as an appreciation of the values and perspectives about it, this will help provide a more positive future in terms of social, economic, environmental and educational outcomes.