


Large, glossy black, white eye in adults,dark in juveniles, base of feathers browny-grey, throat hackles stand out clearly. The call is very different to the other crows.


Diurnal, Solitary, seldom in large flocks. Adults mate for life and defend their territory Do not breed until 3 or more years old. Ravens are very wary birds. Flight is strong, direct and heavy while uttering wailing calls.


Grassland Woodland Scrubland, restricted to the eastern parts of the Territory. Ravens usually associate with the tallest trees in the area but forage quite extensively on the ground. They are known to hide food which they cannot eat and return for it later.


Three types of Australian Raven are recognised, the other two being the Little Raven and the Forest Raven. Ravens had a bad name in sheep country for killing sheep but in recent years scientists have shown that Ravens cause very little damage to healthy sheep and are a great help during grasshopper plagues.@


July August September, 3 to 5; very variable, but usually pale green, profusely blotched and marked with shades of brown. Incubation period 20 days, fledglings leave the nest at about 43 days .Both parents incubate eggs and feed the young. The nest is a large rough basket of sticks high in a tree usually more than 10 metres from the ground


Omnivore, Including carrion; grasshoppers; split grain; many kinds of fruit and a variety of seeds.


Common Name: Australian Raven Scientific Name: Corvus coronoides
Sub Order: Unavailable Order: Passeriformes
Class: Aves Category: Endemic
Status: Least Concern Size: Largest of the Crow Family

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