


The only mostly black swan; the white flight feathers often show when at rest and are conspicuous in flight. Bill red, with pale bar and tip; legs and feet black. Male slightly larger, bill longer and straighter. Immature: dull grey-brown with pale edges to feathers, flight-feathers dingy-white, tipped black.


Diurnal, Strongly territorial and are usually encountered in pairs or family groups. Lose all flight feathers at once during their annual moult and become incapable of flight for several weeks. Nest is a large conspicuous heap of vegetation in shallow water or on a small island.


Wetlands, Inland waters and fringing forests; floodplains; Lakes; rivers and swamps; prefers permanent swamps and lakes with emergent and subaquatic vegetation.


Breeding season chiefly Autumn and winter. 5 to 6 (can be up to 9); pale green or dull greenish-white and slightly lustrous. Probably mate for life, sexes jointly handle nest building, incubation and care of the young. Incubation takes 40 - 45 days.


Omnivore, Aquatic life and plants.


Common Name: Black Swan Scientific Name: Cygnus atratus
Sub Order: Unavailable Order: Anseriformes
Class: Aves Category: Endemic
Status: Least Concern (Rare Vagrant) Size: Unavailable

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