


This is the largest parrot found in the NT. Females do not have the dark red tail-feathers and are covered in small white spots.


Diurnal, Family groups feed quietly in trees or on the ground. They communicate loudly when disturbed and fly with slow, deliberate wingbeats.


Forest Woodland Grassland, Heavily timbered & open forest along rivers & creeks as well as grasslands; particularly after fires. Flocks move around according to seeding trees, such as Grevillea pteridifolia, Eucalyptus miniata Buchanania obovata Terminalia ferdinandiana, etc.


Black Cockatoos have a hoarse trumpeting cry and a slow jerky flight. They gather in flocks of up to 200 or more in the dry season. There are two subspecies of Calyptorynchus banksii in the NT. Calyptorynchus banksii macrorhynchus is found in the Top End and is listed as Least Concern, while Calyptorynchus banksii samueli is found in Central Australia and is listed as Near Threatened.


April May June July August, 1 to 2; white eggs. Nest-site is a hollow tree often enlarged by the pair.


Kakadu National Park


Omnivore, Seeds of eucalypts; casuarinas; banksia; large white grubs. Feeds on the ground after fire on sorghum seeds.(see Habitat Use). Observed in July at Jabiru cracking the seeds of Xanthostemon paradoxum. Observed at Noonamah in August feeding on Eucalyptus polycarpa seeds.


Common Name: Red-tailed Black-cockatoo Scientific Name: Calyptorhynchus banksii
Sub Order: Unavailable Order: Psittaciformes
Class: Aves Category: Endemic
Status: Least Concern Size: 500-610 mm.

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