FrogWatch was set up in 1991 to try to gather better information about the frogs of North Australia and their distribution. We have been busy trying to sort out which species we have and to increase community awareness about frogs. There are still many mysteries to be sorted out yet so come and join in the fun!.
Cane Toads have hijacked the agenda in recent times but we have still managed to get a lot of work done with our native frogs, discovering several species in the process, and extending the range of a number of other species.
FrogWatch coordinator, Graeme Sawyer, inspects native frogs.
This site was designed by eNTITy1 in partnership with:
The World Wildlife Fund, Frogwatch NT, Australian Association for Environmental Education, Tropical Savannas CRC, Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management, Museum and Art Gallery of the NT, NTU, NLC, Caring for Country Unit, Environment Australia - Kakadu National Park