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Why are frogs seen as good indicators of the health of the environment. - view
What is the best way to raise frogs ?? I have a bad tub that my dobermann uses to cool off in. Every now and then, after a heavy rain, a mummie frog leaves her eggs in it. I take them out put them in a safe place to grow. I feed them lettuce. Is this... - view
How long can the metamorphosis from tadpole to frog take? I have a tadpole in a bucket that I have been feeding since the end of the last wet season! He has grown a bit larger and paler but no appendages. - view
List AllFrogs eat lots of insects, some species specialising on particular prey items. One Cyclorana Cryptotis, (Hidden-ear frog) had 249 termites and 2 small beetles in its stomach
A stitch in Time! We have all heard the old saying a stitch in time saves nine and it is there to remind us that time... 26/02/2012 - view
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